July Updates, what turned out to be a very busy month and a lesson never to send parcels to Romania !

Welcome back to my little corner of the web.

There were two shoots this month and a shoot taken on the last day of June (so technically for all sakes and purposes this month) Blessed with four great models to work with Mercybongo and Carl Tilson. Maryna Sedin and Marie Jean Saxton, they have kept me busy snapping and editing.

We also managed to travel to my parents home and see them which is always good. Not just to get away from our house, but to spend quality time with them is worth the journey. I managed to do one of the shoots on location in my Fathers lush garden as well as them taking us to Rushden Lakes for some magazine shopping and photo taking around the buildings. It was fun,Amy and I loved it, So thank you greatly to Mum and Dad x

Now here is a word of caution …. if your thinking of sending anything to another country (in this case Romania) you might want to think again about it. I sent an old camera to a man in Romania who could chip the camera so as to make it take Infrared images only. I know I already have a camera that does that, but I wanted a higher spec and it made use of my trusted old Nikon D3. So I sent it via the post office carrier (I shall not mention their name here!) at the princely sum of £50.00 only for the empty box coming back to me a few weeks later! Apparently it got as far as Bucharest and customs did not like it and sent it back, but between there and my front door some thieving turd helped themselves to it. Returning the empty box like trying to rub my nose in it! The Royal Mail recommended I call the Romania Customs and ask what happened to the camera? but that is as futile an effort as a one legged man in an arse kicking contest! Taking the piss obviously, I think they just said that to get rid of me. It worked. Although I have put a claim in, I have still not heard anything from the carriage company, and don't hold out much hope. Oh well, I guess some things just were not meant to be and I shall not do that again. Lesson learned.

Hope you enjoy this bumper month of pictures to make up for last months lacklustre offering.
